What type of business do you see your self running from home and getting paid while you sleep? I am here to help answer that question here shortly. In 2020 AD, the worlds governments reset or ended for many people. Money, resources, medical equipment, medicine, food, water, transport, you name it, failed.
The worlds governments began to separate who can work and who can not, by the terms: essential worker or non-essential worker. Now with all that been said, we can get to the short answer. One more thing, before this last step, the main question now is, do you see your self as an essential worker and are you actually working right now at this moment as such?
If the answer is yes, then you are a survivor. If the answer is No, then we do not have to wait any longer for the answer. The answer is for you to make a decision and then a choice after reading this. You are running out of time and to day is the day to start and if it were possible, this very moment.
Sign up for a member account and begin your choice to become essential business and worker through the University Technician Digital Business Network. You will be guided how to activate your business, site, email, phone, and vehicle to generate cashflow immediately. Proven model with over 5 years data and result.
Be up and running within 24-48 hours.
Text or Call 8507550950;
leave voicemail with your name, number, and email to setup a interview to start work.
Email: Wallace@UniversityTechnicians.com;
For all documents and correspondence.
University Technicians (SM)
University Technicians (TM)
University Technicians (R)
What exactly do the symbols placed behind your business name actually mean? Short answer, it is best known as a “Trade Mark“ or “Service Mark”
Trademark will deal with tangible items such as physical products, software, and equipments. This is generally done everyday with labels, stickers, and logos.
Service Mark will deal with intangibles such as driving, cleaning, consultations, brainstorming ideas, dancing, modeling, security, and so on... services are marked by a process or way of doing so. Services are extremely difficult to Mark due to complexity of minds and the processes in the brain a service is actually a good service.
Registered Mark is known by registry at the U.S. patent office to protect all trademarks, Service marks, and ideologies through the U.S courts and U.S. Attorney. This gives protection on a wide scale or worldwide arena. This is best known by ”Trademark-Copyright” infringement.
Anytime anyone uses the Registered patent, the U.S attorney will pick up the case as either civil or criminal dependent on the extent of time of usage.
These are all three types of “Marks” one can do to protect from infringement.
source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Registered_trademark_symbol