by: Ra’ahk
When you are a secured party, is it really through a document? This, and many questions are great to venture and think on. Many have discovered different ways to navigate the seas of commerce. What exactly is the way to navigate anyway? Some one has to show eventually where to go and give him or her a map to look at possible destinations.
At the end of the day, it will take a properly secured one to make it to and fro without losing and only gaining each and every time. The main point of travel is to gain a joyous experience and add to a lifetime of memories for loved ones and families.
Now lets get to the central point, “How do I properly secure?” Security is first found in your self. You have to first feel and know you are safe and secure inside to fully feel safe and secure outside. This is how you begin the transformation of properly doing exactly what your mind asked a moment ago... “How do I properly secure?” See many people think of weapons and guns, and ammunition, and body armor, and actual tough guys with a shirt on that says: “Security,” although, this is far from properly being secure.
As the ancient text reads and says:
“Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.” Proverbs 11:14
What we all know is, We are not able to do anything by our own selves. We are all counsellors to each other.
The short answer to secure oneself properly is to be involved in any community you are seated locally. Act in private as if you are public. And you will always remain secure.
Short Video Segment: